Investment Fraud Alerts

Fraud relating to some investments can be so extreme that simply owning the security in your portfolio could warrant a claim for damages. Unfortunately, most fraudulent investments like this aren’t typically discovered until after hundreds of thousands of investors have suffered millions of dollars in damages across the nation.

Dangerous Investments

The CIRC has insider contacts searching out potentially dangerous investments, which may warrant strong claims for damages. If you lost money due to any of the securities below, make sure to seek legal counsel from an experienced investor fraud attorney as soon as you possibly can:

Click on the links above to learn more about the fraud relating to these investments.

Fight to Preserve Your Rights

Financial fraud victims suffer at the hands of unethical Wall Street brokerage firms every single day. What’s worse is some of the biggest financial firms actually plan and orchestrate massive fraudulent schemes, knowing that most defrauded investors won’t take action, and therefore their punishment will not outweigh the reward.

The truth is, dishonest and negligent banks, brokerage firms and stockbrokers rarely receive the justice they deserve. But that’s not because justice isn’t available. It’s because most investors simply don’t know they can get it.

If you’re the victim of stock fraud, you deserve compensation individually for your suffering, and the Consumer Investor Resource Center can help.

Stock fraud victims may be eligible for multiple types of compensation, including:

  • Investment losses
  • Interest
  • Attorney’s fees and legal costs
  • Punitive damages

Contact Us

No matter where you live inside the United States, no matter your age, employment status or nationality – help is available. For a free and totally confidential consultation, contact the Consumer Investor Resource Center today. We will listen to your story, answer any questions you may have, and help you win the compensation you deserve.